
Past FIAF Commissions

Please find below the composition of past FIAF Commissions. For the composition of the current FIAF Commissions see:

Cataloguing and Documentation Commissions

The Commission on Cataloguing and Documentation was created in May 1968, but a year later it was split into two separate commissions, one for Cataloguing and one for Documentation. The two commissions operated separately from May 1969 to May 1997. In May 1997, they were merged again into a single Cataloguing and Documentation Commission. 

Archival documents about the Cataloguing and Documentation Commissions are accessible HERE 

List of past members of the Cataloguing and Documentation Commissions

Programming & Access to Collections Commission

Archival documents about the Programming & Access to Collections Commission are accessible HERE 

List of past members of the Programming & Access to Collections Commission

Copyright Commission

Archival documents about the Copyright Commission are accessible HERE 

List of past members of the Copyright Commission [coming soon...]

Technical Commission

[Coming soon...]