
Archival Documents about the FIAF Commission on Cataloguing and Documentation

(May 1968 - May 1969)


Commission Meeting, May 1968, London (during the London Congress, 23-29 May 1968)


Report of the Commission on Cataloguing and Documentation to the General Meeting (23-29 May 1968, London Congress)

"Problems of Documentation", a discussion paper prepared by the National Film Archive, London, for the 24th FIAF Congress in London, 23-29 May, 1968

Examination of the Application of Modern Cataloguing Methods in Film Archives

"Cataloguing Films in Archives", a discussion paper prepared by the National Film Archive, London, for the 24th FIAF Congress in London, 23-29 May, 1968

Commission Meeting, 18-22 November 1968, Leipzig

Minutes (18-21 November 1968)

Minutes (22 November 1968)



Commission Meeting, 27 February - 1 March 1969, Brussels


Draft Agenda

Draft Minutes


Report of the Documentation Commission to the EC (3-4 March 1969, Paris EC Meeting, pp. 19-20)

FIAF Commissions/Memorandum (3-4 March 1969, Paris EC Meeting, Annex I & II).

Interim report of the Commission on Cataloguing and Documentation to the General Meeting (21-24 May 1969, New York Congress)